Energetic clinical massage techniques to reduce stress and relieve muscle pain

I am expert in the following types of massage:

Deep Tissue Massage
focuses on altering body structure and muscle restrictions. This technique requires a precise understanding and intimate knowledge of the body's bones, muscles, fascia, and other connective tissue. A skilled therapist will release chronic patterns of muscular tension with slow strokes, direct pressure, or friction using the fingers, thumbs or elbows to lengthen the soft tissue, and thus release any restrictions. This technique is more specific in focus and is applied with greater pressure and at deeper layers of the muscle than Swedish massage, and that is why it is called deep tissue.

Pregnancy Massage
relieves many of the normal discomforts during pregnancy, such as backaches, a stiff neck, leg cramps, headaches, and sore, swollen ankles and feet. Massage increases local and general blood circulation, which brings more oxygen and nutrients to the cells of both the mother and baby. This means greater vitality and less fatigue for mom and better nourishment for her baby. Massage stimulates glandular secretions, which helps stabilize hormone levels. Massage can help relieve depression or anxiety caused by hormonal changes mom is experiencing. It relaxes tense muscles and tones loose muscles, and can also increase muscular flexibility.

Swedish Massage
is a traditional therapeutic technique used to relax muscles, increase circulation, and remove metabolic toxins. It can help you obtain a feeling of connectedness, a better awareness of your body and the way you use and position it. Swedish massage shortens recovery time from muscular strain and stretches the ligaments and tendons, keeping them supple. Swedish massage also stimulates the skin and nervous system while at the same time relaxing the nerves themselves. Since it can help reduce emotional and physical stress, it is often recommended as part of a regular program for stress management. It also has specific clinical uses in medical or remedial therapy.

Orthopedic Massage
is focused on treating painful conditions which affect the soft tissues of the body. The massage therapist may integrate a range of techniques to treat these conditions, ideally adapting his or her style for each client, as every person's body is slightly different. Orthopedic massage focuses on problems with the client's musculoskeletal system.The therapist may release tight muscles, help to stretch shortened muscles and tendons, and decompress joints. The goal is to normalize the soft tissues of the body, both to treat specific conditions and to keep clients generally healthy and fit. Because orthopedic massage is designed to treat medical conditions, it requires extensive training, as an unskilled therapist could harm a client by accident.

Sports Massage
emphasizes the prevention of injury; it enhances tissue elasticity and increases flexibility and range of motion in joints. Following physical activity, massage helps remove built-up metabolic toxins and restores muscle tone and range of motion. Sports massage prior to activity helps prevent injury during physical exertion. Deep friction and pressure are commonly used to warm and manipulate muscle fibers. Both active and passive stretching are included to help retain and restore flexibility and motion in all the joints. These treatments can sometimes be uncomfortable as they release tightened muscle tissues and help heal injuries.

uses advanced concepts in pressure therapy to break the stress-tension-pain cycle. It aims to relax muscle so that circulation can increase and the body will return to normal neuromuscular integrity and balance. The most effective type of massage therapy for lower back pain is neuromuscular therapy. Neuromuscular therapy is also called trigger point myotherapy.

Trigger Point Therapy
is a deep tissue technique that uses direct pressure to specific points on the body, called trigger points, in order to release chronically contracted muscles. Trigger points are accumulations of waste products around a nerve receptor. Often times they feel like nodules or taut bands of fibers within the soft tissues. Trigger points form in muscles that have been overused or injured due to an accident or surgery. Common characteristics are increased muscle tension and muscle shortening. Trigger points can present themselves as referred patterns of sensation such as sharp pain, dull ache, tingling, pins and needles, heat and/or cold, can cause loss of range of motion and muscle weakness, and can create symptoms such as nausea, ear ache, equilibrium disturbance, or blurred vision. To release a trigger point, static pressure is applied for 10 seconds or up to one minute while the client breathes deeply. This action flushes the toxins and calms the nerves, allowing muscles to involuntarily relax and lengthen. Stretching should be done as "home work" to encourage the muscles that have been treated to stay in a lengthened position.

Myofascial Release
is a deep tissue massage that focuses on relieving chronic tension at various sites in the body. With the application of gentle traction, pressures, and positioning, the therapist releases adhesions, increases the range of motion of joints, and relaxes muscles. Chronically tense muscles restrict blood flow and fatigue the body. Both fascia and muscle tissues can become shortened if they are improperly used. Myofascial release coaxes muscles in spasm to relax and breaks adhesions in the fascia. Bodies respond to these therapies by releasing tension that has been stored in the fascia, thus allowing more functional flexibility and mobility of the muscles, fascia, and associated structures. The overall effect is to help the client achieve optimum body awareness and health by breaking chronic cycles of muscular spasm and pain.

Repetitive Use Injury Therapy
specializes in treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tendinitis, Sciatica, Knee Pain and other soft tissue injuries using the Muscle Release Technique. The Muscle Release Technique is a unique injury therapy that combines compression, extension, movement and breath to give the therapist a tool to provide, in many cases, relief from pain in one treatment. With the Muscle Release TechniqueSM scar tissue is broken up, the muscle is lengthened, muscle memory is restored and relief from pain often starts immediately.

Healing Touch
is an energy based therapeutic approach to health and healing. It uses touch to influence the Energy System, specifically the Energy Field that surrounds the body, and the Energy Centers which control the energy flow from the Energy Field to the physical body, thus affecting all physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and healing.

Cupping Therapy
is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which aims to remove blockage or stagnation in the flow of Qi in our body, which often manifests as chronic or acute pain. Cupping can stimulate the flow of Qi, blood, and lymph. It is used to relieve pain in the muscles, and clearing congestion in the chest, which can occur with colds and flus. Cupping involves creating a vacuum suction in a cup, and then apply that cup to an area of the body. The traditional cupping uses fire to create the suction with a glass cup. Fire is introduced in the cup (the heat removes the air from the cup, thus creating vacuum), and applied it on the skin, the skin gets sucked up and drawn few millimeters into the cup. The cups are then left on the body for about 20 minutes. Another method of Cupping often used is a plastic cup attached to a pump that sucks the air out as it attaches to the skin. Many therapists prefer this method due to its flexibility and ease of movement. The sliding affect allows for effective myofascial work.